I’ve just come back from the Global Game Jam 2015 event in London and I’m exhausted.
This gaming hackathon allowed my team and I to create a local multi-player game between Friday 5pm and today, Sunday 5pm.
So here is what we managed to achieve within this time frame:
The aim of is to grab the ice cream before your friends! You can use gamepads or the keyboard, up to 4 players.
The technology that we’ve used to create this game is Haxe in conjuction with Flixel, also known as HaxeFlixel. We first thought of using ActionScript 3 with the framework Flixel, but as we wanted to use the control pad and allow the game to be crossed platform, we decided to go with Haxe; a first for myself, as well as the second programmer :]
From left to right: Chloe De Castro Leon - the very talented artist; Myself - in charge of the gameplay and the core programming; Ronan Roquais - in charge of the programming and the level design.
You can view more details about the game on the Global Game Jam website
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