Setting up an AS2 project using MTASC

It’s sometimes easy to forget the different steps in setting up your development environment as it doesn’t often need doing. Here are the simple steps I took when setting up MTASC for AS2.

The static method ‘main’ in will be used to run MTASC.
This is important to include it, as MTASC will make use of it as a single point of entry.
See “- main” MTASC option in

import MouseTrail.Interface;
class MouseTrail.Main 
    private static var m:Main;
    var int:Interface;
    public function Main(root:MovieClip)
        int = new Interface(root);
    public static function main(root:MovieClip)
        m = new Main(root);

You can now use any Classes you want from your library, because of the “-cp” MTASC option.

class MouseTrail.Interface
    private var pen:MovieClip;
    public function Interface (root:MovieClip)
        var c:MovieClip= root.createEmptyMovieClip("test", root.getNextHighestDepth());
        // Do something

This script contains the MTASC command line, with four options:

  • “-swf” refers to your input.
  • “-main” refers to your static method (see above).
  • “-out” refers to your output.
  • “-cp” refers to your classes root folder.


# !/bin/bash
ROOT= ~/Desktop/TODO
mtasc $ROOT/mousetrail/src/MouseTrail/ -main
-swf $ROOT/mousetrail/bin/mouseTrail.swf
-out $ROOT/mousetrail/bin/Interface.swf
-cp $ROOT/mousetrail/src
open $ROOT/mousetrail/bin/Interface.swf
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